Of course, this garage touch is not exclusive to his approach and creativity. It is also in the music with its raw sound, catchy music, and the occasional fluke because re-recording or dubbing tricks are for the weak.” - Mitja Kralj (promotor)

Shaun Banks - LIVESTREAM

Shaun Banks is somewhere between punk and blues in the musical universe, and his live performance is pure, caloric rock'n'roll...it's not worth missing and it's a mistake to miss it!” - Janez Leban (President of Mink Tolmin Union)




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Garažni one man punk blues.

(100 besed)

Shaun Banks je one-man band umetnik, ki prihaja iz več kot 500 let starega rudarskega mesta Idrija. Njegova glasba črpa energijo iz punk rocka, ki se skupaj z dušo bluesa spaja v garažni rock. V njegovi glasbi se čuti preplet podeželja in industrije mesta, kot tudi vpliv glasbenikov kot so Robert Johnson, The Black Keys in The White Stripes. Na njegovih koncertih lahko občinstvo iz prve roke izkusi pravi pomen fraze ''one-man band'', saj Banks celotno glasbeno zasedbo predstavlja kar sam. Istočasno igra kitaro in tolkala ter poje, vmes pa zaigra tudi na orglice. 

(300 besed)

Shaun Banks je one-man band umetnik, ki prihaja iz več kot 500 let starega rudarskega mesta Idrija. Njegova glasba črpa energijo iz punk rocka, ki se skupaj z dušo bluesa spaja v garažni rock. V njegovi glasbi se čuti preplet podeželja in industrije mesta, kot tudi vpliv glasbenikov kot so Robert Johnson, The Black Keys in The White Stripes. Na njegovih koncertih lahko občinstvo iz prve roke izkusi pravi pomen fraze ''one-man band'', saj Banks celotno glasbeno zasedbo predstavlja kar sam. Istočasno igra kitaro in tolkala ter poje, vmes pa zaigra tudi na orglice. Idrijska kotlina je rojstni kraj številnih odličnih slovenskih glasbenih skupin kot so Kuzle, Zablujena Generacija in mnogi drugi, zato ni presenetljivo, da je bil Banks že od otroštva izpostavljen glasbi. Kot soustanovni član nekdanje popularne punk skupine Šundr je nastopil na vseh mogočih lokalnih odrih. Kot one-man band pa je izkušnje poleg lokalnih odrov, nabral tudi na večjih regionalnih (MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica, Swenak Idrija, Galerija SDK Tolmin, Mladinski Center Idrija, Kulturni Center Rogaška Slatina, Bus Bar Idrija, ŠKUC Ljubljana, Pri Rdeči Ostrigi Škofja Loka, Hotel Kempinski Portorož, Center Mladih Koper). Nastopil je tudi na Festivalih Čipkarija, Monošus, Dobimo se pred ŠKUCem, In Memoriam Peter Hafner Festival, in Mlada parada. Njegova trenutna posneta diskografija obsega 6 singlov: What Are You Looking For, Little Birdie, Nonina Kemija, Red Pill, Cockroach in Who Do You Think You Are. Nekatere pesmi so bile predstavljene tudi na Radiu Študent, Radiu Prlek ter v Idrijskih Novicah. Septembra 2020 je bil ob 40. obletnici skupine KuZle povabljen k sodelovanju pri nastanku vinilne kompilacije ''Naredte revolucijo za KuZle gre''. Priredil in posnel je njihovo pesem ''Ti si zvezda''. Kompilacija je bila izdana pri ZKP RTV Slovenija v sodelovanju z Valom 202. Banks trenutno snema nove single, poleg katerih bo izdal tudi drugo zbirko singlov na vinilu. Do konca leta pa načrtuje tudi izid novega albuma.


One man punk blues made in a garage.

(100 words)

Shaun Banks is a one-man band artist, who's based in the 500-year-old mining town of Idrija, Slovenia. His music is fueled by punk rock energy and is fused in a garage with the soul and groove of blues. Shaped by the town's industrial and rural environment, Banks takes his fans on a journey through his energetic craftsmanship, heavily influenced by The White Stripes, The Black Keys, and Robert Johnson. Playing guitar and foot drums simultaneously, accompanied by his powerful and colorful voice with bluesy harmonica fills makes for a great, live show.

(300 words)

Shaun Banks is a one-man band artist, who's based in the 500-year-old mining town of Idrija, Slovenia. His music is fueled by punk rock energy and is fused in a garage with the soul and groove of blues. Shaped by the town's industrial and rural environment, Banks takes his fans on a journey through his energetic craftsmanship, heavily influenced by The White Stripes, The Black Keys, and Robert Johnson. Playing guitar and foot drums simultaneously, accompanied by his powerful and colorful voice with bluesy harmonica fills makes for a great, live show. Growing up and living in a town that was a cradle to great Slovenian artists such as Kuzle, Zablujena Generacija and many others it's no wonder Banks picked up a guitar early in his teens. He started gaining stage experience at many local venues in a once-popular punk band Šundr (Noise), which he co-founded. As a one-man band, he quickly gained more experience at local and bigger regional venues (MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica, Swenak Idrija, Galerija SDK Tolmin, Mladinski Center Idrija, Kulturni Center Rogaška Slatina, Bus Bar Idrija, ŠKUC Ljubljana, Pri Rdeči Ostrigi Škofja Loka, Hotel Kempinski Portorož, Center Mladih Koper). He also performed at various festivals such as Čipkarija, Monošus, Dobimo se pred ŠKUCem, In Memoriam Peter Hafner Festival, and Mlada parada. His recorded discography currently contains 6 singles: ''What Are You Looking For, Little Birdie, Nonina Kemija, Red Pill, Cockroach and Who Do You Think You Are'' with some of them also being featured on Radio Študent, Radio Prlek and in newspaper Idrijske Novice. In September 2020, he was invited by band KuZle to be a part of their 40th year anniversary LP compilation ''Naredte revolucijo za KuZle gre'' where he rerecorded one of their songs. The compilation was released by the Slovenian national record label RTV Slovenija in collaboration with the national radio station Val 202. Banks is currently working on releasing new singles along with a 2nd vinyl singles collection. He is also planning to release a new album by the end of the year. 


shaun banks one man band rock show

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shaun banks one man band rock show live concert

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